Opportunity in Brazil

Bringing hope to churches with no pastor to shepherd the congregation

Equipping the churches in Brazil: most of the Chinese churches in Brazil do not have a pastor or even a core group among the congregation. CIM Short Term Mission Teams each year visit churches and help to evangelize the new immigrants from China. Sometimes we help to encourage brothers and sisters to be brave and step up the first step to learn to be the leadership team and serve among their fellow brothers and sisters.

  1. We have partnered with the True Theological seminary in Los Angeles, sending pastor teachers to equip the co-workers. This is a certificate course that provides participants with a certificate in worship, leadership, Bible study, or church administration once they complete the assigned work with the feedback of an instructor.

We need partners in this project to cover the pastor’s airfare and room and board in the amount of $2000 per trip.

  1. Church workers in Brazil are mostly spiritually immature. They need guidance and training from a shepherd on church management, discipleship, spiritual growth and gospel outreach. CIM plans to recruit local leaders to join the ministry/service team. We have budgeted $10,000 per year for the ministry fund for a local leader who will be heading this shepherding task. Pray that God will move hearts to serve those churches who currently have no shepherd and bring glory to God. Pray for wisdom to CIM staff in implementing this plan.

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南非的華人社區多次懇求華宣差派宣教士來牧養他們。「我們像羊群沒有牧人。」 1996年華宣差派宣教士畢玉書牧師夫婦來到南非。在1997年開創了一間教會 – 斐京華人基督教會。華宣宣教士吳元國牧師夫婦在2012年建立了比陀福清華人基督教會,又在2013年成立了羅斯敦堡華人基督教會。目前除了吳元國牧師夫婦,還有新加入華宣的高科夫婦在那兒工作。在華人中基督徒少於0.5%。我們面對極大的機會及挑戰。佛教徒已經看到這個機會並採取行動。我們不能落後。 



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