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Chinese International Missions

A Letter from the Board of Directors (January 2021)

Chinese International Missions (CIM), with regrets, announces the retirement of Executive Director Christine Pi, effective January, 2021.  Christine had planned to retire a few years earlier due to health reasons, but stayed on at the request of the CIM Board of Directors and continued to lead the evangelistic ministry until the end of 2020.  In the thirteen years since assuming the role of Executive Director in 2007, Christine has contributed immensely to the expansion of ministry fields in Brazil and South Africa, and also set excellent examples in her services with the churches and Christian believers of North America.  She has the respect of her CIM co-workers, who give thanks to God for her.  In addition to appointing Christine as a member of the Board of Directors, CIM is also planning a retirement celebration for her.  CIM is currently actively recruiting for an Executive Director successor, as well as a Director of Ministry.  Please remember these efforts in your prayers.  Thank you.

董事會致眾同工書 (2021年1月)

本會懷著不捨之情宣布畢玉書師母文肖鳴總幹事於2021年1月榮休。畢師母因身體原因早在幾年前已有退休之意, 惟在董事會挽留下,為著宣教之需,繼續勉力事奉至去年底。畢師母自2007年起擔任總幹事至今,十三年來,盡心竭力,在拓展巴西和南非工場,在擴闊對北美教會與信徒的服侍上,著著建樹良多,本會同工十分欣賞及感謝神。本會除委任畢師母為董事外,並計劃舉行歡送聚會。本會正積極聘請總幹事的繼任人,並物色「事工主任」,敬請代禱。